If your looking for a practical and affordable solution to monitor organics in your raw water, then UV254 is your solution – no complexity and no expensive reagents. Monitoring UV254 gives you the ability to quickly detect organics events and provides the information you need to control your coagulation process, enhance TOC removal and limit DBP precursors. Take the guess work out of your water quality and discover the benefits UV254 monitoring can bring to your treatment plant.
Your surface water changes by the minute. Turbidity isn't the only parameter changing. Organic matter is almost always present, and without monitoring, fluctuations can go unnoticed leading to the potential formation of DBPs. Discover a simple and effective solution to monitor your organics today.

Detect unforeseen raw water organics events the minute they occur and respond faster to minimize the impact on your water quality

Optimize your coagulation process to effectively remove organics early in treatment, saving on costs and minimizing DBP precursors before chlorination

Monitor and evaluate your organics removal with ease while gaining assurance treated water meets drinking water standards for public health and safety
"... UV254, which is generally linked to the aromatic and unsaturated components of NOM, is considered a good predictor of the tendency of a source water to form TTHM and HAA5."
Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule - Operational Evaluation Guidance Manual