Turbidity is a measurement of suspended solids or particles in water, expressed in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). It is caused by a wide variety of suspended materials that range in size from colloidal to coarse particles. In addition, materials contributing to turbidity range from purely inorganic substances to ones that are largely organic in nature. It can be measured continuously as a general water quality indicator.
Turbidity is an important parameter to monitor for three reasons: aesthetics, filterability and disinfection. Drinking water is expected to be turbidity free as the general public associates turbid water with contamination and pollution. Water filtration is negatively impacted by increasing levels as filter run times get shortened in addition to final quality of filtered water being decreased.
Disinfection is another water treatment process that is negatively impacted by high turbidity. Effective disinfection requires full contact between the disinfecting agent and the target organisms. Turbidity may create a higher demand for the disinfectant, and in some cases fully or partially protecting the microorganisms from coming into contact with the disinfectant, which results in incomplete disinfection. It is also used in determining the coagulant dose necessary to meet process effluent targets.
The current standard method for measurement relies on measuring the intensity of scattered light at right angles to the path of the incident light. The measurement unit is designated as NTU for nephelometric turbidity units. Real Tech’s turbidity sensor uses a low-cost optical technology for low maintenance operation with no consumables. The measurement principle is based on IR nephelometry / 850 nm and can be easily calibrated with a formazine standard solution. Discover more about our real-time solution here.

Real-time sensor for measurement in water and wastewater.